Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia; Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), more
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- An ERA-NET in Biodiversity Research, more
- Cooperation and shared strategies for biodiversity research programmes in Europe, more
- Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean, more
- CSA in Marine Biotechnology, more
- Enhancing FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean through improved coordination and integration, more
- ERA-NET for Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences, more
- EUROpean network of trans-national collaborative RTD projects in the field of NANOMEDicine, more
- European Research Area Plant Genomics, more
- Transnational PLant Alliance for Novel Technologies - towards implementing the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy in Europe, more
A1 Publications (4) [show] |
- Papadimitriou, M.N.B.; Resende, C.; Kuchler, K.; Brul, S. (2007). High Pdr12 levels in spoilage yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) correlate directly with sorbic acid levels in the culture medium but are not sufficient to provide cells with acquired resistance to the food preservative. Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 113(2): 173-179., more
Resende, C.G.; Outeiro, T.F.; Sands, L.; Lindquist, S.; Tuite, M.F. (2003). Prion protein gene polymorphisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Microbiol. 49(4): 1005-1017., more
Resende, C.; Parham, S.N.; Tinsley, C.; Ferreira, P.; Duarte, J.A.B.; Tuite, M.F. (2002). The Candida albicans Sup35p protein (CaSup35p): function, prion-like behaviour and an associated polyglutamine length polymorphism. Microbiology 148(4): 1049-1060., more
Parham, S.N.; Resende, C.G.; Tuite, M.F. (2001). Oligopeptide repeats in the yeast protein Sup35p stabilize intermolecular prion interactions. EMBO J. 20(9): 2111-2119., more
Report [show] |
Resende, C.; Beckers, P.; Bunthof, C. (Ed.) (2007). ERA-PG Research Programme Report 2007. ERA-NET Plant Genomics: The Hague. 94 pp., more