- Habitat use and foraging strategy of large herbivores on small-scaled coastal dune landscape, more
- Grazing database Flanders, more
A1 Publications (6) [show] |
- Cosyns, E.; Claerbout, S.; Lamoot, I.; Hoffmann, M. (2005). Endozoochorous seed dispersal by cattle and horse in a spatially heterogeneous landscape. Plant Ecology 178(2): 149-162, more
- Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Demeulenaere, E.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2005). Foraging behaviour of donkeys grazing in a coastal dune area in temperate climate conditions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 92(1-2): 93-112. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2004.10.017, more
- Lamoot, I.; Vandenberghe, C.; Bauwens, D.; Hoffmann, M. (2005). Grazing behaviour of free-ranging donkeys and Shetland ponies in different reproductive states. J. Ethol. 23(1): 19-27. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10164-004-0123-5, more
- Lamoot, I.; Meert, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2005). Habitat use of ponies and cattle foraging together in a coastal dune area. Biol. Conserv. 122(4): 523-536. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2004.09.009, more
- Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Degezelle, T.; Demeulenaere, E.; Laquière, J.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Eliminative behaviour of free-ranging horses: do they show latrine behaviour or do they defecate where they graze? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 86(1-2): 105-121. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2003.12.008, more
- Lamoot, I.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Do season and habitat influence the behaviour of Haflinger mares in a coastal dune area? Belg. J. Zool. 134(2/1): 97-103, more
Book chapters (10) [show] |
Couvreur, M.; Cosyns, E.; Lamoot, I.; Verheyen, K.; Hoffmann, M.; Hermy, M. (2005). Donkeys as mobile links for plant seed dispersal in coastal dune ecosystems, in: Herrier, J.-L. et al. Proceedings 'Dunes and Estuaries 2005': International Conference on nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats, Koksijde, Belgium 19-23 September 2005. VLIZ Special Publication, 19: pp. 279-290, more
Hoffmann, M.; Cosyns, E.; Lamoot, I. (2005). Large herbivores in coastal dune management: do grazers do what they are supposed to do?, in: Herrier, J.-L. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings 'Dunes and Estuaries 2005': International Conference on nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats, Koksijde, Belgium 19-23 September 2005. VLIZ Special Publication, 19: pp. 249-267, more
- Lamoot, I. (2004). General introduction: Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 10-35, more
- Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Demeulenaere, E.; Laquière, J.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Time budget and habitat use of free-ranging equids: a comparison of sampling methods, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 150-169, more
- Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Degezelle, T.; Demeulenaere, E.; Laquière, J.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Eliminative behaviour of free-ranging horses: do they show latrine behaviour or do they defecate where they graze?, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 127-149, more
- Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Demeulenaere, E.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Foraging behaviour of donkeys grazing in a coastal dune area in temperate climate conditions, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 82-107, more
- Lamoot, I.; Vandenberghe, C.; Bauwens, D.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Grazing behaviour of free-ranging donkeys and Shetland ponies in different reproductive states, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 108-126, more
- Lamoot, I.; Meert, C.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Habitat use of ponies and cattle foraging together in a coastal dune area, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 54-81, more
- Lamoot, I.; Hoffmann, M. (2004). Do season and habitat influence the behaviour of Haflinger mares in a coastal dune area?, in: Lamoot, I. Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. pp. 37-53, more
- Hoffmann, M.; Cosyns, E.; Deconinck, M.; Lamoot, I.; Zwaenepoel, A. (2001). Donkey diet in a flemish coastal dune area in the first year of grazing, in: Houston, J.A. et al. (Ed.) Coastal dune management: shared experience of European conservation practice: Proceedings of the European Symposium Coastal Dunes of the Atlantic Biogeographical Region Southport, northwest England, September 1998. pp. 95-107, more
Theses (2) [show] |
Lamoot, I. (2004). Foraging behaviour and habitat use of large herbivores in coastal dune landscape = Foerageergedrag en habitatgebruik van grote herbivoren in een kustduinlandschap. PhD Thesis. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek: Brussel. ISBN 90-403-2047-2. 246 pp., more
- Lamoot, I. (1998). Ezels als beheerders van het Vlaams natuurreservaat De Houtsaegerduinen (De Panne) : staat hun gedrag in functie van de vegetatiesamenstelling en -structuur ? MSc Thesis. Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Faculteit Wetenschappen: Gent. 135, ill pp., more
Abstract [show] |
Lamoot, I. (2003). About grazing behaviour and habitat use of horses in dunes, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 20, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Hoffmann, M.; Bonte, D.; Cosyns, E.; Criel, P.; Lamoot, I.; Maelfait, J.-P.; Provoost , S.; Somers, N.; Struyve, T. (2005). Evaluatie begrazing kustduinen 1997-2004. Onderzoek en evaluatie van de biologische gevolgen van acht jaar graasbeheer in de Vlaamse Westkustreservaten. AMINAL, Afd. Natuur, cel Kustzonebeheer: Brugge. [450] pp., more
Cosyns, E.; Lamoot, I.; Deconinck, M.; Goerlandt, A.; Van Braeckel, A.; Callebaut, J.; Laquière, J.; Hoffmann, M. (2001). Monitoring van de effecten van begrazingsbeheer op vegetatie, flora en fauna van de Vlaamse natuurreservaten langs de Vlaamse kust: Deel II. Habitat- en dieetpreferenties van de geïntroduceerde herbivoren: terreingebruik, voedselkeuze en dieetsamenstelling van ezel en Shetland pony. Verslag van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud, 2001.02(1). Universiteit Gent (RUG), Faculteit van de Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Biologie, Onderzoeksgroep Terrestrische Plantenecologie en Vegetatiekunde: Gent. 47 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Cosyns, E.; Lamoot, I. (2004). Grote grazers in de duinen. Natuur 6(5): 12-15, more