Blue economy

Blauwe Economie


The Blue Economy is that part of the economy that is linked in some way to the sea or ocean. Traditional sectors, such as fishing and shipping, stand alongside modern sectors such as renewable offshore energy and blue biotechnology.

The ocean and associated sustainable Blue Economy are necessary building blocks for environmental and climate goals. In this context, the Blue Economy is an essential element in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the United Nations' Agenda 2030 and is seen as one of the carriers of the European Green Deal

However, the "blue (r)evolution" of recent years, with the rising economic and political importance of the ocean economy, poses significant challenges to the marine research and innovation community. Innovation is crucial for both established and emerging marine and maritime sectors to develop in a sustainable manner.

To strengthen Flanders' marine innovation capacity, VLIZ is strongly committed to building the scientific knowledge base and detecting innovation needs. Among other things, we do this by bringing scientists and stakeholders from the innovation landscape into contact with each other so that new opportunities for the Blue Economy can arise through knowledge transfer and collaboration. Important partners for VLIZ are the Flemish spearhead cluster the Blue Cluster and the Provincial Development Agency (POM) West Flanders.


PuBlic and Economic VALue of ChANging Coastal ArEas by stimulating “Green” Blue Citizenship and Sustainable Blue Tourism

A key question is how to find balance between naturalness/attractiveness of the environment, social and economic needs of the coastline’s stakeholders (industrial parties, communities, tourists, citizens,…) and sustainable innovations and solutions

Coastbusters 2.0

Coastbusters 2.0, a public-private innovation partnership, will deploy several reef-facilitating systems to induce the early stages of mussel biogenic reef formation in different dynamic nearshore coastal environments as a basis for the development


Biodiversity The sea before Climate Sea & health Blue economy

VLIZ welcomes new PhD researchers

10/14/2024 - 14:46
VLIZ is pleased to welcome a new group of PhD researchers to our research community. These eight doctoral candidates are each undertaking important projects that address key issues in marine science. Their work will enhance our understanding of the ocean and coastal environments, while contributing to solutions for today’s environmental challenges. From studying microplastics and climate change to...