Data PolicyPublications | Institutes | Persons | Datasets | Projects | Maps [ report an error in this record ]basket (0): add | show VIRA Visserijrapport 2014Platteau, J.; Van Gijseghem, D.; Van Bogaert, T. (Ed.) (2014). VIRA Visserijrapport 2014. Departement Landbouw en Visserij, afdeling Monitoring en Studie: Brussel. 55 pp. Available in Authors VLIZ: Open access 267399 [ download pdf ] Keyword Marine/Coastal Authors Top Platteau, J., editor, more Van Gijseghem, D., editor Van Bogaert, T., editor, more Delbare, D., more Depestele, J., more Devriese, L., more Moreau, K., more Robbens, J., more Van Hoey, G., more Vanderperren, E., more Verschueren, B., more All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy Top | Authors