On Thursday, 23rd January 2025, Secretary of State Ms. Alexia Bertrand officially launched Belgium's bid to host the secretariat for the 'Agreement on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction' (BBNJ) in Brussels. The event was held at the Egmont Palace, attended by a wide array of the global diplomatic community in Brussels. The Belgian Ambassador to the EU, Willem Van de Voorde, who is also the Special Envoy for Climate and Environment, highlighted that the bid underscores Belgium's strong commitment to actively contribute to ocean protection through diplomacy and fostering international cooperation.

From left to right: Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet (Director of International Relations at VLIZ), Lennert Tyberghein (Head of Science Support at VLIZ), Sophie Mirgaux (Special Envoy for the Ocean), Alexia Bertrand (Secretary of State), and Willem Van de Voorde (Belgian Ambassador to the EU and Special Envoy for Climate and Environment). (Photo: FOD Foreign Affairs)
Belgium’s scientific contribution to the BBNJ Treaty is crucial. For instance, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) hosts global databases on marine biodiversity, including the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), and its European node (EurOBIS), as well as on legal maritime boundaries such as protected areas and Exclusive Economic Zones (Marine Regions). Additionally, environmental measurements provide indispensable data for assessing the state of marine biodiversity, contained in resources like the Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility, the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS), and the Surface Ocean CO₂ Atlas (SOCAT).
VLIZ, based at the InnovOcean Campus in Ostend, also hosts international partners including the IODE Project Office for IOC UNESCO, the EMODnet secretariat, and the secretariat of the European Marine Board. These platforms and information systems are essential for the implementation of the BBNJ Treaty once ratified. Through the Flanders UNESCO Science Trust Fund, Flanders has invested since 2008 in the Ocean Teacher Global Academy training platform (OTGA). OTGA, with its central hub at the IODE Project Office in Ostend, collaborates with regional training centers worldwide, including South America, Asia, and Africa. Together with OTGA, VLIZ provides high-quality training and capacity building for managing marine biodiversity data to researchers, experts, and institutions globally. Supported by FUST, the Ocean InfoHub (OIH) offers reliable information on ocean-related experts, data, training, and campaigns to ocean professionals worldwide.
With this extensive expertise and capabilities, VLIZ and Flanders play a vital role in advancing knowledge and expertise in marine biodiversity protection, which is at the heart of the BBNJ Treaty.
Read more about the Belgian candidacy to host the BBNJ-secretariat