I am Michiel Perneel, trained as an evolutionary biologist (MSc Evolutionary Biology & Biodiversity) at Ghent University. During my master I tried to clarify whether anthropogenic sluice systems affected young upstream migrating European eels. For my PhD research I enthusiastically returned to my long-standing fondness off all things genetic. My research resolves around how the use of metatranscriptomics could help in elucidating certain properties of the microeukaryotic plankton community. This state-of-the art approach is very promising in regard to capturing functional diversity, together with taxonomic information. I am especially eager to use this technique to determine how and which biotic and abiotic gradients or species interactions shape communities in the North Sea. From a technical point of view, I am working with Oxford Nanopore long read sequencing, which I will compare and hopefully combine with Illumina RNA-sequencing. Next to plankton, I have always been very passionate about fish in particular and the more abstract aspects of evolution in general. Otherwise, I also love to talk, discuss and read about animal ( including human) sentience and consciousness. Thesaurustermen: Mariene ecologie; Populatie, ecologische en evolutionaire genetica
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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), meer
Functie: Geaffilieerd onderzoeker
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GSM: +32-(0)491-02 39 92
- PhD Molecular traits in plankton ecosystem functions and processes, meer
A1 publicaties (4) [show] |
Mortelmans, J.; Semmouri, I.; Perneel, M.; Lagaisse, R.; Amadei Martínez, L.; Rommelaere, Z.; Hablützel, P.; Deneudt, K. (2024). Temperature-induced copepod depletion and the associated wax of Bellerochea in Belgian coastal waters: Implications and shifts in plankton dynamics. J. Sea Res. 201: 102523. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2024.102523, meer
Perneel, M.; Lagaisse, R.; Mortelmans, J.; Maere, S.; Hablützel, P. (2024). Seasonal metabolic dynamics of microeukaryotic plankton: A year-long metatranscriptomic study in a temperate sea. mBio Online first: 1-17. https://dx.doi.org/10.1128/mbio.00383-24, meer
- Van Wichelen, J.; Verhelst, P.; Perneel, M.; Van Driessche, C.; Buysse, D.; Belpaire, C.; Coeck, J.; De Troch, M. (2022). Glass eel (Anguilla anguilla L. 1758) feeding behaviour during upstream migration in an artificial waterway. J. Fish Biol. 101(4): 1047-1057. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15171, meer
Hablützel, P.I.; Rombouts, I.; Dillen, N.; Lagaisse, R.; Mortelmans, J.; Ollevier, A.; Perneel, M.; Deneudt, K. (2021). Exploring new technologies for plankton observations and monitoring of ocean health, in: Kappel, E.S. et al. Frontiers in ocean observing: Documenting ecosystems, understanding environmental changes, forecasting hazards. Oceanography, Suppl. 34(4): pp. 20-25. https://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2021.supplement.02-09, meer
Thesis [show] |
- Perneel, M. (2019). The influence of artificial canal dynamics on European eel recruits. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Wetenschappen: Gent. 71 pp., meer
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Dujardin, J.; Perneel, M.; Lagaisse, R.; Larrinoa, N.; Mortelmans, J.; Theetaert, H.; Verbrugge, S.; Gkritzalis, T.; De Rijcke, M.; Maere, S.; Hablützel, P.I. (2024). From bloom to foam: Tracing the role of Phaeocystis in marine gel formation, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 18-19, meer
Perneel, M.; Hablützel, P.; Maere, S. (2023). Unveiling the hidden dynamics of planktonic ecosystems: a seasonal perspective of microeukaryotic plankton in the Belgian North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 86, meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
Scenna, L.; Perneel, M.; Vlaeminck, B.; De Troch, M.; Hablützel, P. (2022). Combining multi-omics data to study in situ biosynthesis in natural plankton communities. Poster presented at the 53rd International Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics in Liège (16-20 May 2022) . Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)/Ghent University, Marine Biology Research Group: Oostende, Gent. 1 poster pp., meer
Perneel, M.; Maere, S.; Hablützel, P. (2021). Metatranscriptomics of North Sea microeukaryotic plankton. Flanders Marine Institute/VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology: Oostende, Ghent. 1 poster pp., meer
Perneel, M.; Seys, J. (2020). Voelen vissen pijn?, in: De Grote Rede 51. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 51: pp. 17-24, meer