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dr. Lepoint, Gilles
    Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution; Laboratoire d'Océanologie Biologique, meer
    Functie: Assistent - Docent
  • Ecosystem Responses to global change: a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean, meer
  • Survey and health status of a Posidonia oceanica meadow (Algae) since 1975: perfecting of a method for the meadow rehabilitation and restoration, meer
  • Frotté, L.; Michel, L. N.; Lepoint, G.; Cordonnier, S.; Bezault, E.; Monti, D.; (2021): Stable isotope ratios of C and N in diadromous fauna from Guadeloupe, French West Indies in 2017. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Le Bourg B, Saucède T, Charpentier A, Lepoint G, Gan Y, Michel L N (2022): Stable isotope ratios and elemental contents of C, N and S in benthic organisms sampled during the PROTEKER 5 summer campaign in Kerguelen Islands (2016) - data. v1.4. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Samplingevent., meer
  • Michel, L.; Remy, F.; Mascart, T.; De Troch, M.; Lepoint, G.; (2021): Stable isotope ratios of C and N in benthic macrofauna from Mediterranean seagrass litter accumulations from Calvi Bay in 2011-2012. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Moreau C, Le Bourg B, Balazy P, Danis B, Eléaume M, Jossart Q, Kuklinski P, Lepoint G, Saucède T, Van de Putte A, Gan Y, Michel L (2021): Stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in Southern Ocean sea stars (1985-2017). v1.5. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Occurrence., meer
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